Thursday, August 27, 2009

Public Service Announcement

Attention All Parents

Read Carefully

Your Kids May Be in Danger

It's been reported that there is a Gruffalo on the loose. He's about 6 feet tall and meets the following description. He has:

Terrible Tusks and Terrible Claws and Terrible Teeth in his Terrible Jaws

He has Knobbly Knees and Turned out Toes and a Poisonous Wart on the End of his Nose.

His Eyes are Orange and his Tounge is Black & he has Sharp Purple Prickels that Cover his Back.

He's been known to feast on Roasted Fox, Owl Ice-cream, and Scrambled Snake, so be sure that you're Foxes are brought indoors, your Owls are secure in their cages, and be sure you're snakes don't sliver too far away!

After sighting a Gruffalo on our back deck (and he must be a good climber because there are no stairs from the ground to our deck!!) we posted a sign on the Front Yard that says "No Gruffalos". It appears that the sign doesn't work because the Gruffalo is still trying to get in; however I've been informed that he has yet to enter our actual home because he refuzes to take his shoes off! (At least he has manners.)

We know for a fact that his only fear is a small field mouse that eats Gruffalo Crumble for breakfast (and nuts as his snack). We're desperately trying to reach this field mouse for his assistance. We're willing to offer free room and board, as long as he agrees to live in a secured cage (yes, Mommy is afraid of rodants - even if they do keep Gruffalos away).

Please be on the lookout for the Gruffalo in your area. It's also speculated that he may be accompanied by a witch, yes a real one, not just a kid in a costume, but that lead has yet to be verified.

Any leads on the Field Mouse's where-abouts should be sent to:

Olivia Preston

1234 Butterfly Room

Upstairs House, First Room on Right, 67890


Andrea said...

Silly old Livi, Doesn't she know? There's no such thing as a Gruffalo!

Too Cute Bethany! Like I said...that is one of David's favorite books too ; )

Bethany said...

Thanks, Andrea! Olivia has been telling me about the Gruffalo on our back deck for weeks, and I just had to blog it so that I'd never forget!!!

Cecilia said...

Too cute. I love imagination at work!

The Partins said...

It was so good to see you all at Davis' party! I FINALLY posted! YAY!! haha