Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter

We have just had such a blessed day today. We all woke up bright and early to get a start on our busy day. and I'm so glad that we did. We started the day by taking the kids Easter Pics, which I'll add to the blog later. That doesn't always go so well at our house...but today the kids were soooo cooperative.

Josh had to work, so I took the kids to see the Easter Bunny. This too was quite unusually, because usually Olivia screams in fear at the sight of Santa, but she's been asking to see the Easter Bunny for weeks. Better late than never, so we headed to the mall. And let me just say, usually I'm terrified to go to the mall with both kids along - but they were both ANGELS today!!! We had such a great time. We saw E.B., had lunch, rode the carousel, and played on the playground....and we did all of that before 12:00!!!

Here's the kids with E.B. I know that they don't look thrilled...but the fact that Olivia sat beside this crazy creature without freezing in panic still amazes me.

year, and it was soooo much fun. Aside from the usual (Mimi, Pop, Aunt Bre, Uncle Gabe, Unc, Aunt Steph, Hailee, Dakota, and Austin), we also had Mel Mel and Morgan, Mel's parents, Mel's sister and her son and daughter, and two of Mom's neighbors. Wheww!!! We all ate, talked,After the mall, we headed to Mimi and Pop's house for our Easter BBQ. We had a crowd this played with the kids, and of course - hunted eggs.
Here are all of the kids waiting for the Big Kids (Aunt Bre & Aunt Steph) to hide the eggs. (Have you ever tried to keep 6 kids inside when there are over 200 eggs calling for you on the other side of a door???? Not easy!)

Finally, the kids were allowed to head outside, and they all went wild. There were way too many to post, so I just picked one of Olivia and her favorite person, Mimi, finding eggs. Olivia found the egg with the dollar in it....but she could have cared less. Other eggs had lolly pops - and let me tell you my girl was in heaven!!!!

Zachary did hunt eggs, but I had to post this picture instead of one from the egg hunt. We were playing in the yard and Zach was going crazy over this Carrot Bat, and I let go of him and he stood there for almost a minute just playing with the bat. I was AMAZED. He's never stood that long without falling or holding on to something. I was soooo proud of him!!!

We caught the girls "just being girls" and couldn't resist snapping shots of this all-time favorite nursery rhyme reenactment! Ohhh, I love these girls!!!!!

And last but not least, my two favorite girls!!! Chillin' out after a fun-filled Easter BBQ!
This is the life!!!!
May everyone have as blessed a weekend as we did!!!! And as Olivia says every night, "I wuv you God, I wuv you Jesus, Amen!"


Tara said...

Happy Easter, Bethany. I can't believe how big Zach is. Olivia is so cute too!

Angela said...

Happy Easter! I love the pictures that you wer able to snap of the kids. I think Zach is so stinkin cute. I hear play date!!!! Call Me!

Anonymous said...

We had SOOOO much fun Saturday! Again, just for the record, the faces on your kids with the Easter Bunny is PRICELESS!!!! They both have the exact same look, cracks me up every time I see it!

Oh and also just for the do know that I will be needing you to send me the nifty little pics of the girls that you created.....

A day full of priceless family memories....I love you Bethie!

Noah's mommy said...

Happy Easter! Looks like you had a wonderful family day. The kiddos are just too cute!

The Partins said...

I'm glad you had such a great day! The kids are so cute with the bunny... it's like they are thinking "I thought there would be CANDY!!" And Yay on Big Z standing!

Caron said...

Oh my gosh!! I can't believe he's already old enough to stand! WOW he's getting too big too fast! I'm really impressed with the Easter Bunny picture! Olivia did a great job! Glad y'all had fun!!

Chris said...

Good Job Olivia....there's hope for Lindsay next year!! Love that ring around the rosie picture!

Amanda said...

Precious! Remind me next time the kids are together to let Olivia and Davis do "Ashes!" That is D's favorite!!!