Friday, March 21, 2008

Welcome Warm Weather

Well, it's finally warm enough to get outside most days, and boy have we been taking advantage of the parks. Olivia asks almost every day if she can go to the "Big Slide", and she is a pro at climbing, sliding, and shimmying through anything that a playground can throw her way.Josh was off today with the kids while I worked my bottom off at work (booooo), and he actually took the kids to the park for a picnic! I was so proud (and jealous) of him!!! He's definitely the best Daddy in the world. Life is changing by the minute in our house. Zach is cruising along on all of the furniture, and I think that he'll be walking before long. He loves Aunti Lynn Lynn's push toy, and he gets so frustrated when he pushes it into something and can't go any farther. Truly Adorable!!!

He had his 9 month check up about a week ago, and he's weighing in at 19.6 pounds (25th percentile). Olivia weighed less than that at her 12 month check up! He just seems so big compared to her....but I guess compared to other boys, he's pretty normal.

Olivia is such an amazing little girl. She's learning so quickly, and her vocabulary is quite great if I may say so myself. She's picking up on little sayings that we use alot, like "I'll think about it." She'll ask for something and when she can tell that I'm pondering my answer, she'll say, "Just think about it, Mommy." How cute is that?!?!

She's also memorized about 15 nursery rhymes, and it's so cute to hear her say them. If I can ever figure out how to do the whole video thing, I'll post so all can see.

Josh is interviewing for the Director's position in University Relations at NGC. He's been the acting director for almost a year now, but they have finally put a search committee together and are filling the position permanently. Please keep him in your prayers. his interview is a week from today (Friday) and he's very passionate about getting this position. North GA is very special to Josh, and for those of you who know him, you can attest that no one could work as hard for or care more about that University. If it's God's will, it will happen. If it doesn't, I'm sure there's another opportunity for him.

And me...well I'm just ready for Spring. I can't wait to plant some flowers and do my Spring Cleaning in the house. I have several closets that are crying for attention. I've actually been trying to start a new blog. It will document my weight loss journey. Inspired by Caron who has her ticker on her page, I thought it would be a nice way for my blogger buddies to help me be accountable. And anyone who's interested could join in on recipe swaps. I just have to figure out how to get a ticker up there, and I'll be good to go.

I did get to see my friend Amanda this week. She just had her new baby girl, Marleigh a little over a month ago, and let me tell you this little girl made me want to have another one right now!!! Amanda let me feed her while I was visiting, and I just couldn't put her down. I also got to meet some of Amanda's neighbors who were really nice, so hopefully I'll have one more blogger buddy to add to my list.

I hope that everyone is doing well. I do check in from time to time, but I hardly have time to leave messages. So please know that even though I'm not commenting, I'm still keeping up with all of you.

Happy Easter Weekend!!! I hope the Easter Bunny bring you everything that you want...and don't forget the True Reason for the Season!


Noah's mommy said...

I'm so glad to hear that you guys are doing so well. We have to get together soon! Email me and let me know days that are good for you guys. Happy Easter!

The Partins said... Jamie is 4 mths and almost 17 lbs...if not MORE... I find out Friday for sure. sheesh... I have a cabbage patch kid for a baby. haha. Your kids are getting so big and are as cute as ever! Good luck on your weight loss journey. Daryl & I have started our post-winter diet to get swim suit ready. sheesh.

Amanda said...

Oh girl, it was GREAT seeing you! We reallly need to get the kids together soon! I can't wait to share recipes! I am in the lose weight mode! I joined a gym this week! That is one step in the right direction!

Chris said...

Happy Belated Easter! Glad to see you've been busy on the blog again. I can't believe Zach is cruising and standing already!!
Cute pics...good luck with the weight loss. I'll be right there with all of you on that train in a few short months!