Monday, March 31, 2008

New Web Page

Well, I had stated a few blogs ago that I was trying to get a new blog up for my weight loss journey. Since then, a lot has changed, and this is how:

I had talked to my doctor a couple of months ago (I was still breastfeeding) about my family's heart history and my being overweight. She kinda shrugged it off and said to come back when I wasn't breastfeeding and she'd give me diet pills. I didn't like that answer from the beginning, so I dropped it and decided to bring it up later. Well, a few weeks ago I hurt my back at gymnastics - I was trying to out-flip Olivia - and I had to see the doctor. At this appointment, I got to see my original doctor (who must be 80+ years old) and I mentioned to him that I thought the reason my back was weak was because I was carrying some "extra weight out front." He laughed and said, "Yeah you're right."

Ouch! That stung, but he was the first doctor to EVER acknowledge that I'm overweight. I asked him if he could refer me to a nutritionist. He did, but insurance wouldn't cover it, so Josh and I decided that it was worth the investment. So, last Tuesday we met with Gelsie, a dietitian at Northside, and she gave me TONS of great advice. I can't recap all of it on the blog, but she definitely educated us in a way that we never expected. Josh and I both walked away feeling great about the road that lies ahead - for me to loose weight and to keep our entire family in check so that we can all avoid health problems in the future.

Gelsie recommended a website that I'm IN LOVE WITH!!! I've referred a few people there already, and they are equally impressed. It's, and it's totally free. The best way I can describe it is like a MySpace community for people trying to loose/maintain their weight. I've added a link to my Favorites, so I hope you guys will all check it out. I'm hoping to find some accountability with my online buddies!

If any of you join, be sure to use me as your reference. My user name is Bethanypreston. You'll automatically be added as one of my "friends" if you do, and I get "Sparkpoints" which you use to buy motivational icons for friends.

So, as I approach the big 30 later this year, I hope to do it as a lighter, healthier me! And even though I know that there's no true way to melt away the pounds, this Mommy is determined to melt away as much as she can in 2008!!!


Andrea said...

I'm so proud of you for not listening to the dr. wanting to prescribe diet pills! Medication should always, ALWAYS, be a last resort. Portion control and exercise should always come first. That is awesome you and Josh learned so much from the appointment-I still regret not becoming a nutritionist myself...

Tara said...

I have struggled with weight most of my life and I'm diabetic so that makes it more fun. I personally have tried different diet pills prescribed by my MD and you are right to stay away. They don't work in the long run. I will definitely have to look into that website. I gained a ton of weight after I healed from my adventures in birthing Evan and maybe I can get a little off before we get prego again.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Bethie, I am so excited for you! Everyone that I know is currently trying to live/eat healthier....and that makes it very easy to do for yourself also. I am 100% behind you!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I been looking forward to seeing your new blog, but have you changed your mind on that. It is great that you are being open minded and not going to a quick fix that usually gets people in trouble. I can not wait to see you guys on Friday. Oh, and there is still a place for you on the back row of Jazzercise if you decide to come back. It is alot harder now than what is was when we started. They have changed the classes.

Chris said...

Good for you! Back in 2004 I enrolled in the Nutrition program at NSH to loose weight too. I was having ovarian cyst issues and not ovulating and I was CONVINCED if I lost weight my body would do right! I lost almost 30 pounds in that program and working out with a personal trainer. Low and behold in September of 2005 I turned up prego with Lindsay! I think the NSH program is great and I loved my one on one nutrition consults. I'll definitely check out that website and ear mark it for myself for later this summer. I'm going to be back on the bandwagon again too! Thanks for being so candid with us. Best of health to you!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your first nutritionist appointment went well! I've struggled myself with weight issues since graduating from college - I gained 30+ pounds the year Michael was deployed overseas - and when I finally lost that weight (WeightWatchers), I felt SO much better - both mentally and physically. I'm 'back on the wagon' this year after gaining some of the weight back, and I wish you all the luck in the world! Also congrats on finding a doctor that gives you good advice, not just hands out pills - so many of them push pills these days!
I'm trying to think if I've actually posted comments on your blog before...can't remember if I have or not, but I've been lurking for a while through Lori's page. Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Webcam, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Anonymous said...

You go, girl!! You are an inspiration.

Have a great weekend!

Caron said...

I'm so, so, so proud of you too, Bethany! Trust me, I know what you are going through! I've been there girl, and it is frustrating and overwhelming to start a diet... especially with work and kids thrown in to the mix! I'm here to tell you that YOU CAN DO IT!!!! It is tough... it is draining at times... but it is SOOOOOOOO worth everything you put in to it! I have tons of energy and so much desire to do things I have not done in ages. But the thing that has changed the most for me is my overall mood. I guess you could say I was a bit down for a long, long time. I mean... how can you not be when you don't fit well in to any of your clothes and you dread going to things with friends and family because you feel crappy about yourself.

I finally decided that it was not an option... I was just going to do it no matter what it took! I learned to enjoy exercise again and started paying close attention to what I ate. I also gave up cokes and sweet tea... which was awful... but now I don't miss them a bit! I have not had a single headache since then which has been an absolute answer to prayer!

Again, I really am proud of you! Please e-mail me if you need any encouragement! I'm always glad to pick up a new accountability partner! You will feel so good about yourself, and your kids will see it too! You go, girl!!!!

jms said...

Congratulations! I am also starting my weight loss journey. I too was offered the "magic pills" but I just don't want to go that route. My body has been through enough in the last year to add that to the mix.

I am so interested to go to this website and would love to hear what your nutritionist said. I went to one about 3 years ago and they basically told me to follow the Southbeach diet. I'm curious to see if yours said the same thing.

Again, congratulations and good luck to you and to me = )

P.S. Hayden is still loving his swing! I can't thank you enough for letting us borrow it.